Ask The Coach Weekly QnA: longest long run; interval pace

Coach Atul Godbole answers your training related questions…

Q. Savita asks “Is a 32K long run enough when training for a full marathon? Is it advisable to do a longer distance?”

A. One follow-up question to ask yourself is this: What would be a better longer distance? 35K? 38K? The whole 42K?

Basically, no matter how much long you run in training, there is always the matter of the last few Ks which will be the “great unknown” on race day. Mental toughness is the key here.

Also, the longer you run, the longer your recovery time and greater the injury risk.

A 32K is a good compromise. In fact, some of my athletes run a maximum of 26K as their longest long run and they have not fared so badly on race day.


Q. Ashutosh asks “My full marathon program started today with an interval workout but the interval paces seem too slow to me. I am not sure if I should do them faster?”

A. Sure, the first workout of the first week of your training cycle will often feel easy. See how the same workout feels after 4 weeks when all the other workouts have been done week after week. The fatigue often builds up slowly.

Plus there is always the ever present risk of injury when you run too fast.

Also take into consideration that when training for a long distance event like a full marathon. doing intervals too fast, that is, faster than what your intended target time for the full requires, will provide the wrong stimulus to your body. We want to conquer the marathon distance, not become champions at 400m.


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